Worship & Arts Ministry
Choral Ministry
The purpose of the choral ministry is to provide and coordinate music for all church services and special programs. The department is comprised of the Praise and Worship Team, COH Choir, Children’s Choir, Teen Choir and the all musicians. This ministry seeks to glorify God, enhance the service by preparing us for worship in uplifting our spirits and to communicate His message of grace through music. Its purpose is to lead the congregation in meaningful praise through music, to provide special music during worship services and to support the church’s fellowship ministry when worshipping with other churches.
Children’s Choir
This is the choral ministry for the children, made up of youth 5 to 11 years of age. Its primary purpose is to minister to the minds and spirits of the congregation through song on youth Sunday and to let the children know that they are an integral part of the worship service.
Teen Choir
This is the choral ministry for the teens, made up of teens 12 to 18 years of age. Its primary purpose is to minister to the minds and spirits of the congregation through song on youth Sunday and to let the teens praise and worship God in their own way.
Audio-Visual Ministry
The weekly recording of sermons given during weekly services or special programs to give members and visitors an opportunity to listen to the services or sermons that they miss or that they wish to listen to over again. The main focus of the ministry is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to assure that all who have a desire to hear the word have an opportunity to do so.
Usher’s Board
The Board consists of members who are committed gatekeepers to the sanctuary during church services and special programs and are charged to show compassion to all that come through the doors of the church. They formally greet our newcomers and guests and seek to show agape love to make our visitors and guests feel at ease. They must be able to quickly recognize the needs of others and joyfully give assistance to meeting those needs while assuring that the sanctity of God’s house is not violated.
Dance Ministry
This ministry is made up of children, teens and adults, males and females. Its primary purpose is to minister to the minds and spirits of the congregation through movement and song.